3 simple questions to ask yourself "Do I need to pay for this software?"
A simple way to figure out where to put your money and where to put your time.
Time is money.
And when it comes to business, we know that to maximize income, we need to be more efficient with our time. It’s basic math.
Every entrepreneur or business owner has asked themselves the “Do I need this tool?” question.
We get an ad for new software that promises to walk our dog, babysit our kids, AND take care of that pain-in-the-ass repetitive task we can’t stand doing.
The ad’s convincing and even has a free trial, but technology is not your thing, and you're not really sure if you need it. Sound familiar?
I run into this situation all the time, both for my business and clients’ businesses. So I developed a quick series of questions that I ask myself before deciding if I should invest (Free or paid):
Is this a NEED to have or a WANT to have?
The difference between needing and wanting software can be a blurry line. But the basic gist is this.
If the tool your looking at is cool but doesn’t immediately take work off your daily task list, then it’s probably not something you need.
Will this software save me time doing a repetitive task?
If it looks like the software will take more time to manage, additional tasks and time to your day. I pass.
But I keep researching if it looks like something that could be easy to use. (If the software has a free trial, that could be a great way to test its user-friendliness.)
Are there better options, or is this software the best deal for my money?
A quick Google search usually answers this for me. I can easily see reviews and compare pricing before deciding where to put my money.
PRO TIP: BE CHOOSY! My rule of thumb, the tool I’m looking at needs to save me at least 30 minutes a day in time or completely eliminate one daily task off my to-do list. Otherwise - not worth the investment.
You don’t need every software that comes across your screen. You just need a few that can handle tasks preventing you from being the most efficient business person you can be.
That’s it! By the time you get to the end of the short series of questions, you should be able to decide if the software is worth your investment.
Know someone that needs a little direction in the software department? Forward this email to help them out!