Google Calendar is the best.
Until it’s the worst.
If you’re anything like me, you have a work Google calendar or a personal Google calendar, your spouse has their own Google calendar(s), and your teenagers also have their own Google calendars.
While the organization is great, you can only live like that for so long before schedules start to conflict and you start double-booking yourself.
The good news? There’s an easy way to prevent calendar confusion.
Google allows you to sync your calendars to see everything you need in one place.
Here’s how you sync your calendar in X simple steps:
Go to your Google calendar settings by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner.
On the left-hand side, find the name of your calendar. Click the drop-down arrow next to it.
Click “share with specific people.” Type the email addresses of all the calendars you want to share access with.
The other person (or people) will need to accept your request, and then they can also share access with you.
PRO TIP: Once you have access to multiple calendars, they will appear on the left side of the screen. You can change the color that they appear as, and you can click the box to make their events appear or disappear from your main calendar.
And that’s it! Say goodbye to the days of doubling booking work meetings and doctor’s appointments. Say hello to your newly organized calendar.
Give this hack a try, and forward it to a friend who needs some calendar organization in their life.